Putting solar photovoltaic panels on homes and other buildings has proved to be so popular, it’s driving rebate prices down. A record-setting rate of recent solar installations has resulted in rebate stepdowns for the California Solar Initiative.
In the Southern California Edison service area, solar electric incentives are falling from $1.90 per watt to $1.55 per watt. Similar rebate stepdowns are occurring across the state. The California Solar Initiative set all-time records for solar energy adoption in March, leading to the stepdowns, which were put in place with the idea that solar prices would fall along with incentive prices. This has indeed been the case since the program began in 2007, according to Sunpluggers.com.
Meanwhile, a new statewide solar hot water heating rebate program—called California Solar Initiative-Thermal—will start accepting applications May 1 and run through December 2017. Solar thermal incentive amounts depend upon your current water heating fuel source (natural gas or electricity). Residents who heat their water with natural gas may receive a maximum incentive of $1,875, while those who heat their water with electricity may receive a maximum incentive of $1,250. Commercial or multifamily buildings may receive larger maximum incentives, depending on their current water-heating fuel source.
The California state rebates, when combined with federal tax credits, make solar energy and solar thermal very affordable. If you are considering a California solar panel installation or solar hot water installation, sign up for a free solar evaluation. One of our local certified solar installers will get in touch with you, conduct a site evaluation and explain the various rebates that are available.
(Photo from mbalamwezi's photostream)